Kannazuki no Miko
Kannazuki no Miko
Nu stiu cum as putea prezenta acest anime . Este una din cele mai frumoase povesti despre prietenie , este una din cele mai frumoase povesti despre doua fete de 16 ani care cunosc o altfel de dragoste si este o poveste despre doua luptatoare .
Himeko Kurusugawa este o adolescenta aeriana ...adica se impiedica , nu prea e capabila sa faca sacrificii avand de ales intre un tip dragut pe care il cunostea de mult si alaturi de care a trecut prin multe si Chikane, o adolescenta perfecta cu o frumusete uluitoare , cu extrem de multe talente .
Chikane Himemiya desi are aceeasi varsta pare mult mai matura . Este echilibrata , puternica . Doreste foarte mult sa o apere pe cea la care tine . Este autoritara si pare de neatins , o frumusete rece , dar nu este asa , o ajuta extrem de mult pe Himeko si o sustine in orice , chiar daca lucrurile care pe Himeko o fac trista pe Chikane .
Mi-e mi-a placut povestea . Nu e cea mai buna prezentare , poate e destul de proasta , dar va invit sa creati voi una mai buna ... va rog ! Astept parerile voastre despre acest anime .
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Himeko Kurusugawa este o adolescenta aeriana ...adica se impiedica , nu prea e capabila sa faca sacrificii avand de ales intre un tip dragut pe care il cunostea de mult si alaturi de care a trecut prin multe si Chikane, o adolescenta perfecta cu o frumusete uluitoare , cu extrem de multe talente .
Chikane Himemiya desi are aceeasi varsta pare mult mai matura . Este echilibrata , puternica . Doreste foarte mult sa o apere pe cea la care tine . Este autoritara si pare de neatins , o frumusete rece , dar nu este asa , o ajuta extrem de mult pe Himeko si o sustine in orice , chiar daca lucrurile care pe Himeko o fac trista pe Chikane .
Mi-e mi-a placut povestea . Nu e cea mai buna prezentare , poate e destul de proasta , dar va invit sa creati voi una mai buna ... va rog ! Astept parerile voastre despre acest anime .
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Re: Kannazuki no Miko
Ma bucur mult ca anime-ul a mai placut cuiva. Pana acum nu prea am avut succes cu coruptul. A fost primul anime shoujo-ai pe care l-am vazut si a ramas unul drag. Desi privind mai rece, cu ochii de acum, are si lipsuri. Nu prea imi place genul meca si amestecul de roboti si puteri supranaturale nu prea cred ca a fost inspirat. Apoi, este acelasi cliseu al cuplurilor girl x girl, o bruneta aproape perfecta, distinsa si puternica (desi Chikane are parul albastru xD) si o blonda copilaroasa, aproape aeriana. Himeko pare si poate chiar e slaba, dar macar in ultimele doua episoade dovedeste destula putere, curajul de a vorbi despre sentimente pe care Chikane nu prea indraznise sa le marturiseasca.
Am fost mult timp atrasa de personalitatea lui Chikane (dar si de ochii ei albastri :X:X:X) si inca este in topul personajelor preferate. I-am inteles zbuciumul interior din momentul cand ii revin amintirile din viata anterioara, si gelozia si disperarea. Gestul din ep 8, oricat de groaznic si condamnabil a fost, m-a facut sa privesc cu mai multa atentie si mai mult interes animeul. Nu ma pot abtine, voi pune cateva imagini si replici si sper sa-mi fac timp sa revin cu idei.
La un moment dat era pe net un site unde erau comentate episoadele si detaliate, interpretate scenele importante. Desi cu una din idei n-am fost de acord, m-as bucura sa regasesc acel site si sa pun un link aici.
Ep 5
Chikane: "Somewhere in my heart, I wished for this to happen. For her to jump into my arms. When Himeko was crying, I felt relief somewhere in my heart. Himeko, what do you think I am to you? A classmate? a roommate? A friend? The Lunar Priestess? Or...Himeko...I...I..."
Ep. 8:
Chikane: "You see, I've always wanted this. A night just between you and me. An eternal night in which I conduct the symphony that is you. I don't want it to end yet."
Ep. 10:
Himeko: "Chikane-chan was very warm, and she held me more securely than anything else in this world."
Ep 11:
Chikane: "I love you. I love your eyes. Those eyes, which shine like the universe in spring. I love those kind eyes, like the spring sunlight. I love your hair. Those silken strands which wave in the wind. I love your lips. Lips that drip honey with each kiss. I love the lips that leak the lonely sound of the breaths you breathe. I love your voice. I love that high, clear, pure voice of yours that echoes in my heart. I love your body. Your narrow waist, which might break under the burden of supporting your beauty. I love the warmth that I feel when I touch those small, perfectly-shaped breasts. But what I love the most is your heart. Fragile and easily ruined...but endlessly pure and beautiful. Your soul, which is filled with kindness, and which forgives everything. I love you. I really love you. I can't help loving everything about you. Himeko. I don't need anything other than you. All I want is you. A never-ending night between you and me."
Orochi : "Love is just a different form of ego. Is nothing but a flatteringly-worded form of possessiveness."
Ep 11:
Chikane: "You're my number one, a real princess, and the sun that generously shines upon me. The moon is able to be luminous because there's a sun."
Himeko : "The sun will shine because it's with the moon. It can smile, it will be happy. Because the moon teaches the sun how to shine, it can work harder to become brighter. For the sake of the moon. I want to be your Himeko, who will always illuminate the moon. "
Am fost mult timp atrasa de personalitatea lui Chikane (dar si de ochii ei albastri :X:X:X) si inca este in topul personajelor preferate. I-am inteles zbuciumul interior din momentul cand ii revin amintirile din viata anterioara, si gelozia si disperarea. Gestul din ep 8, oricat de groaznic si condamnabil a fost, m-a facut sa privesc cu mai multa atentie si mai mult interes animeul. Nu ma pot abtine, voi pune cateva imagini si replici si sper sa-mi fac timp sa revin cu idei.
La un moment dat era pe net un site unde erau comentate episoadele si detaliate, interpretate scenele importante. Desi cu una din idei n-am fost de acord, m-as bucura sa regasesc acel site si sa pun un link aici.
Ep 5
Chikane: "Somewhere in my heart, I wished for this to happen. For her to jump into my arms. When Himeko was crying, I felt relief somewhere in my heart. Himeko, what do you think I am to you? A classmate? a roommate? A friend? The Lunar Priestess? Or...Himeko...I...I..."
Ep. 8:
Chikane: "You see, I've always wanted this. A night just between you and me. An eternal night in which I conduct the symphony that is you. I don't want it to end yet."
Ep. 10:
Himeko: "Chikane-chan was very warm, and she held me more securely than anything else in this world."
Ep 11:
Chikane: "I love you. I love your eyes. Those eyes, which shine like the universe in spring. I love those kind eyes, like the spring sunlight. I love your hair. Those silken strands which wave in the wind. I love your lips. Lips that drip honey with each kiss. I love the lips that leak the lonely sound of the breaths you breathe. I love your voice. I love that high, clear, pure voice of yours that echoes in my heart. I love your body. Your narrow waist, which might break under the burden of supporting your beauty. I love the warmth that I feel when I touch those small, perfectly-shaped breasts. But what I love the most is your heart. Fragile and easily ruined...but endlessly pure and beautiful. Your soul, which is filled with kindness, and which forgives everything. I love you. I really love you. I can't help loving everything about you. Himeko. I don't need anything other than you. All I want is you. A never-ending night between you and me."
Orochi : "Love is just a different form of ego. Is nothing but a flatteringly-worded form of possessiveness."
Ep 11:
Chikane: "You're my number one, a real princess, and the sun that generously shines upon me. The moon is able to be luminous because there's a sun."
Himeko : "The sun will shine because it's with the moon. It can smile, it will be happy. Because the moon teaches the sun how to shine, it can work harder to become brighter. For the sake of the moon. I want to be your Himeko, who will always illuminate the moon. "
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